I Like Peter!
"And now Peter sat without in the palace" (Mt. 26:69). There are three ways to read this text. The first is to place the emphasis on the word "now." If you emphasize this word you have the account of the man's...
Christ: Made a Curse for Us
Tell me, was it not God who commanded by Moses that no image or likeness of anything which was in heaven above or which was on the earth should be made, and yet who caused the brazen serpent to be...
Pure Passion, Pure Motive
In the true sermon there must always be passion. But the passion must be something that is created by no conscious effort. It must come out of what we are declaring, and out of our consciousness of it. Half the...
Struggling & Seeking: Psalm 34
"The young lions do lack and suffer hunger, but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good" (Ps. 34:10). One might have pardoned David at such a moment in the wilderness of his life if some cloud of doubt...
Whatever Became of Preaching?
Preaching has a place in Christianity which it has in no other religion. If it is true that preaching is the product of the church, it is also true that the church is the product of preaching. For the church...
Avram, Abraham, Ibrahim
My latest issue of Christianity Today (May 20, 1996) includes an ad for a new book by Peter Kreeft entitled "Ecumenical Jihad." One segment of the copy reads: Peter Kreeft argues that we need to change our current alignments. We need...
The Friend of God
To Abraham there came a divine call to leave his country for the land that would be shown him. Why could he not have done God's work just as well at home? The answer to that takes us into the...
Abraham the Widower
Genesis 23 tells of Sarah's death, giving her age at the time, and where she died. It appears Abraham was not at home (v. 2), and that her death was sudden--there is no account of the ailment, or how long...
Faith Believes God
The progenitor of both the Israelites and the lshmaelites emerges from the shadows of ancient history as the friend of God. Called from his native country, he established the principle that man's relationship to God was through faith and consequent...