Magazine Issue Articles

Monday, July 1, 1996

Full Assurance

How may I be sure that I have repented enough? Test yourself in this way. You once lived in sin and loved it. Do you now desire deliverance from it? You were once self-confident and trusting in your own fancied goodness....

Monday, July 1, 1996

Is There Forgiveness?

Some years ago in a cartoon strip Charlie Brown commented after losing a ball game, "How could we lose when we were so sincere?" Maybe you have felt the same way. Deliberate Sins It may be that you have committed serious sin,...

Monday, July 1, 1996

Did You Know you Can Know?

This first epistle of John was written to give the basis of a person knowing that they believed. But sometimes, due to misunderstanding the text, these verses have the opposite effect. Thus this commentary is so helpful to the doubting...

Monday, July 1, 1996

Quietness & Confidence: Job

Job. No other name is so effective to summon from the mists of history a man whose quietness and confidence were rudely interrupted and rapidly exchanged for questioning. We may with reverence place the two names, Job and Jesus, side...

Monday, July 1, 1996

Comfort & Hope in Dark Days

Every sin should increase our trust, seeing it proves to us in the most convincing manner, that He is absolutely necessary. Weakness is ours, since it forces us to live by faith on One mighty to save. The drying up...

Saturday, June 1, 1996

Preach (the Word) 2

I want someone who knows the difference between the duties of a chef and a gardener serving my meals! In the process of providing a healthy and appetizing repast, there is the need for pitchforks, dirt, and compost--but not on...

Saturday, June 1, 1996

Jesus Only

"And when they had lifted their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only" (Mt. 17:8). The last words will suffice us for a text, "Jesus only." When Peter saw our Lord with Moses and Elias, he exclaimed, "Master, it is...

Saturday, June 1, 1996

The Christian Name

"The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." And what were they called before that? It was nearly twenty years after the commencement of the Christian movement before this name was invented. Our text says, "The disciples were called Christians first...

Saturday, June 1, 1996

A Double-Edged Spade for the Digging

There are some principles which underly all powerful preaching. These we would thrust into the front rank, that a true basis may be laid for the knowledge and use of divine truth. These principles have to do first of all...
