After the Order of Melchizedek
"Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine, and he was the priest of the most high God" (Gen. 14:18). The first war which darkens history's page is ended. Abraham is moving homewards, crowned with success, laden with spoil. Suddenly...
The Official Glories of Christ
The Lord Jesus Christ is greater than any office which He fills. With men it is usually the office which makes the man. Not so with the Lord Jesus. He Himself gives glory to the offices He occupies. For Him...
Jesus – The God Man
Down through the years men have grappled with the mystery of the Incarnation. How could God become man? How can an infinite person become finite? How can the Creator become a part of creation? How can the Almighty compress Himself...
Whither Will This Man Go?
The boldness of Jesus in breaking the Pharisees' traditions had brought their growing suspicion and opposition to a head, and they determined to seize Him. Petty officers were sent to arrest him when he was present in Jerusalem at the...
The Son
Names in the Scriptures form an interesting study. For instance, the various names that God uses to describe Himself: Elohim, Jehovah, The Lord God, Almighty God, The Most High God, Father--all convey different truths about the same Person. And so...
Agents Everywhere
It was a pristine autumn day recently as our plane winged its way up the California coast. The woman beside me, in her early fifties I judged, was friendly, and told me about the sights far below. But as we...
Aquila--"an eagle." A converted Jew of Pontus, husband of Priscilla, whom Paul first met at Corinth (Acts 18:2). He and Paul worked together as tentmakers. Aquila and Priscilla had been driven from Rome as Jews by an edict of the...
Paul at Troas
Paul's public service for the Lord Jesus is given in two parts. From chapters 9 through 15 we have his association with Barnabas, "a good man full of the Holy Spirit and of faith" (Acts 11:24). He befriended Saul of...
Saul the Pharisaic Student
Saul of Tarsus was head in whatever circle he moved, whether as Saul the persecuting Pharisee, or Paul the laboring missionary. If he was chief of sinners, he became chief of saints. If he was the man of action whirling...