Magazine Issue Articles

Wednesday, April 1, 1998

The World-Wide Search

It is God the Father of whom the Lord speaks to the Samaritan woman--the One who is God in nature and Father in relationship. The name Father seldom occurs in the Old Testament and is never there in the New...

Sunday, February 1, 1998

What to Do About it?

I have never read Looking Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe, but there is a line from it in one of my books of quotations. Harry Tugman (whoever he is) is asking Luke where he is presently stationed. The response goes...

Sunday, February 1, 1998

Construction of a Sheepfold

If the lambs are asking, "Where are the shepherds?" the elders aren't doing their job. Elders should be there, vigilant, looking out for the welfare of the flock. Who are the Shepherds? How do you recognize a shepherd? Paul gave us a...

Sunday, February 1, 1998


Ephesians 4 could be called The Peacekeeping Treatise where we have the four essentials regarding peace. The first is the essential command to peace (vv. 1-3): "I...beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all...

Sunday, February 1, 1998

Expository Preaching

The importance and value of biblical preaching is illustrated in the experience of Ezra: "Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord and to do it and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel" (Ezra 7:10)....

Sunday, February 1, 1998

127 Years Ago

The premiere issue of The Barley Cake (Jan. 1881), the first North American assembly magazine, announced the fifth Hamilton, ON, conference. By inference the first was held in 1877. Assessment of the conference, in the direct style of the editor, Donald...

Thursday, January 1, 1998

It’s Time

Obviously time is a relative commodity: a half hour in a hammock on a Saturday afternoon is hardly the same as a half hour in the dentist's chair. We call someone in Europe late on a Saturday night; they are...

Thursday, January 1, 1998

Connecting the Dots

When my children were young, they enjoyed books with pages full of nothing but black dots and numbers. As they connected the dots, an image would begin to appear. They were outlined pictures of simple things in life, yet, these...

Thursday, January 1, 1998

Sparks in Kentucky

During the summer of 1995, I began to have a desire to get closer to the Lord because I realized that, being 43 years old, my time was running out. I also realized that I was probably living in the last...
