The Secret of Power
The usual concept of power which enlightened men have held through the centuries is undergoing an enforced revision. Men have always looked for power in the prodigious, but many are learning today that it is not found there. Power resides...
In our English language some of the tenderest, sweetest and most endearing, yet most elusive words are diminutives. Webster's Dictionary tells us that 'Charley' is the diminutive of 'Charles.' Her Majesty the Queen might call Prince Charles, 'Charley,' but we...
David: The Youngest
The prophet Samuel was undoubtedly confused. The Lord had instructed him to anoint one of Jesse's sons as the next king of Israel. Seven of them had come and gone, yet there was still no king. Had Jehovah made a...
But it was Just a Seed!
The mysteries of the seed have always intrigued me. There, latent in a little bit of tissue, is the life of a great tree. Seeds that lie dormant for many years often keep this potential and, when planted, send down...
Aunt Elsie and the Gederite
She was a real caricature! Any artist would have delighted to pull out a pencil and sketch her. Little and old--well, she was in her 80's--rather a long nose and a somewhat pointed chin. She wore an old, oatmeal gray overcoat,...
Sweet Water Spring
I suppose we've all had to learn the hard way that we carry a potent force with us everywhere we go. Some of the time it lies there inert, seemingly harmless. As harmless as a venomous snake in the grass,...
The Lordian Feast
"The Lord's Supper"--these words occur at the conclusion of 1 Corinthians 11:20, and refer to one of the three symbolic ordinances given to the Church in the New Testament. I would like to ask you to consider what I believe...
Geometry of a Circle
When I was a boy, we always sat in a circle to remember the Lord. Or at least they sat in the circle--I was not in fellowship so I sat "at the back" with those who had not been received...
Christ the Perfect Man
The Lord Jesus, when here on the earth, was the only perfect Man this world has ever seen. He was all and always perfect, under the eye of God and before men--perfect in thought, perfect in word, and perfect in...