Wonderfully Made
I have closed my eyes. My shoes are kicked off, and I am wiggling the small bones in my right foot. Exposed, they are half the width of a pencil, and yet they support my weight in walking. I cup...
The Body’s Sacrifice
Masterfully woven together, its sinews and vessels and nerves forming a breathtaking tapestry, the human body visibly displays its invisible Creator. Scientists have spent billions unlocking the marvels of the human body, answering many of the how questions. But we must...
Countdown to Reality
I was recently taking my daily constitutional, and was stepping it out along an impeccably kept marble concourse. It was in a shopping mall of the ritzy, glitzy variety--Phipps Plaza in Buckhead, on the north side of Atlanta. Having been in...
Lonely Voices Crying in the City
He was hurriedly walking down the street when he stopped to listen. He heard the message of the love of Jesus and trusted Him as his personal Saviour. When counseled, it was revealed that this man was on his way...
A Non-evangelist on Evangelism
Let me start out by making an admission--I am not an evangelist. When called on to preach the gospel, I will step up and do my best, but by gift and inclination, I believe the Lord has gifted me otherwise....
God’s World
God formed Adam, built Eve (as the Hebrew has it) and was well pleased with His work. The beautiful harmony was soon soured by sin, but Jehovah promised that the woman's Seed would be the Victor. He commanded Adam and...
Who Cares When Saints Suffer?
It's happening as you read these words. Somewhere a Christian is dying for his faith. Christian women are being raped. Christians' children are being sold into slavery. It is happening to our own brothers and sisters--torture, imprisonment, harassment, starvation, to...
Lingering on the Brink
My name is Dennis LeBlanc and I am a student at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada. I was raised in a happy home by Christian parents in a town called St. Stephen in the province of New Brunswick. From a...
Will the Church Go Through It?
Among the Lord's people who love and look for His personal coming again, there are differences of view as to the time and manner of that coming. These differences are not unimportant--no one who values divine truth could think that--but...