You’ll Get A Charge Out Of This
My daughter Moira and I were chatting recently. Music is her native language. She told me an amazing fact—how flowers sing to bees! Let me share it with you. Springtime, after all, is busy bee time. In the Oct 28, 2022...
The Numbers Don’t Add Up
Don’t confuse me with a math geek. But even with my schoolhouse arithmetic, the numbers I hear on a regular basis don’t add up. Here’s a sobering number from the Economic Policy Institute. Globalizing our economy (shipping jobs overseas) has cost...
What’s Up? Heaven, Of Course
Who doesn’t enjoy strolling through an award-winning garden or touring historic mansions like Vizcaya in Coconut Grove, Hearst Castle at San Simeon, or the du Pont Chateaux in the Brandywine Valley—all the time thankful you don’t pay for the upkeep! Could...
Five Smooth Stones
Evil is on the loose. Goliath-like, it stands across the valley and mocks our once-civilized society. Since we’ve rejected the Bible’s God for our own selfish ways, it laughs at our attempts to salvage the benefits of a Christian worldview...
Life, eh?
I was born in the deep south—of Canada, that is—although I’m an American citizen now, having lived here much of my life. Some people spell Canada like this: C eh? N eh? D eh? We’re often betrayed by our habit of...
I Got Stoned In Bethlehem
It’s not what you may think. I was, in fact, leading a tour of the Holy Land. We had just visited the Shepherds’ Fields on the outskirts of Bethlehem. The tour bus mistakenly traveled back up the same road, thus...
The Ultimate Bullet Points
There’s no question there are many questions about the events that unfolded in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. What was the shooter’s motive to kill the former President? How did the Secret Service allow him to get a rifle onto a...