The Compassion of Christ
Some time ago, I began to read the Bible carefully to study Bible characters. I read through the four Gospels, and my heart was moved. When I look over an audience and think of the wretchedness and misery that you...
Saved at Last
My dad had a nominal Christian upbringing, but he quickly departed from it and launched into a life of sin. My mother married him with a similar experience. Together they raised four boys, and two girls--I was the youngest of...
The God Awakening
I want to be used by the Lord," is frequently expressed by people when they become new creatures in Christ. This book is the story of how the Lord granted my desire to see a new work begin in an...
H. A. Ironside’s All in All
From his first days as a Christian in the Salvation Army, Harry Ironside had a deep passion for winning lost souls for the Lord. By the time he was nineteen, he was already preaching well over four hundred sermons a...
Preaching in the Lion’s Den
The man was laid out just where he was killed, in the Parker House, on the east side of the Plaza in San Francisco. Taking my stand near the corpse, I sang: That awful day will surely come, Th' appointed hour...
Hibbing or Bust!
From the beginning of our marriage, Gladys and I used our vacations to either hold special meetings, or to distribute tracts. The story really began the summer that A. N. O'Brien, an older brother who meant much to us in our...
Here I Raise My Ebenezer!
I grew up in a little community in Kentucky called Ebenezer, a name taken for the Hebrew for "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us" (1 Sam. 7:12). The name was quite appropriate considering how the Lord has led in my...
The Proof of the Pudding
A testimony should talk. Why so? Because the proof of the pudding is in the eating. A genuine Christian experience is hard to refute, in many cases, impossible. All attempts to contradict such testimonies only reveal their weakness in the...