Sister Abigail and Her Lovely Weapon
One evening, Abigail Luffe was accosted on her way home. “What’s in your bag, lady?” Abigail held up her Bible: “I will give you this, the most valuable thing I possess, for it says, ‘For God so loved the world,...
The Power of Love
I noticed her in the crowd; she looked to me like royalty. When I asked her to tell me her story, she said her father was a drunk and her mother slept to escape. No one cooked or cleaned or...
God’s Answers Will Be Revealed
When witnessing, don’t be surprised to meet believers who are shaken in their faith by some tragedy that baffles them. They are tempted to doubt God’s love or wisdom. George Henderson tells of a believer who said: “I often remember...
Soaring Once Again
“Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Rom 5:20). About the year 1900, evangelist Peter Bilhorn received a song, “The Bird with the Broken Wing.” Using the idea that “The bird with the broken pinion Never soars as high...
Forgiveness of Sins
H.P. Barker was visiting the doors when he asked a man, “Are you able to say, ‘My sins, which are many, are forgiven?’” ‘Oh no, I don’t think anyone can speak positively on that.” “What place do you attend on...
ExploreWhen You Feel So Small
Perhaps you are feeling inadequate for a task before you. There's good news. Here's some fuel for your faith...in four minutes!
The Shoe on the Other Foot
We sure aren’t overdoing it in the witnessing department. How many times has someone offered you a gospel tract? I can count the occasions its happened to me on one hand. And how many times has someone initiated a conversation...