Which One is the Heathen?
In the Franco-Prussian War, there was then a great International Hospital in the town of Sedan, at the head of which was a distinguished doctor from St. Bartholomew's Hospital. He died there from confluent smallpox caught from a patient and...
Touching the Apple of God’s Eye
Not many years ago thousands of boys and girls in Germany sang a song of pagan origin which expressed their deepest devotion. This led multitudes of them to sacrifice their lives with a zeal and fanaticism hardly paralleled in modern...
Amazing Grace
Perhaps you're tired of hearing the gospel. Or perhaps you've never really heard it--you've never let it sink into your heart and soul, you've never responded to it. I was once like that. From earliest days of childhood I knew...
Twice a Bondslave
There are times in our lives when we find ourselves faced with a crisis, when we are at a crossroad in our Christian experience. Times when we learn much about ourselves, and much more about God. Times when we find...
What the Cannibal was Hungry for
In a fit of violent temper, I left home when I was nineteen and joined the crew of a freighter which was sailing for India. My life became more and more sinful until I lost all concern for anything of...
What a Difference!
The Lord by His grace and mercy saved my wife, Betty, and me eighteen years ago. We heard the gospel at a home Bible study that I was invited to attend. I went that evening, but would not allow Betty...
The Hard Way Home
I was born in Washington, DC, April 12, 1954, to Lemuel & Margaret Stevens. My mother was German; my father was Welsh. I grew up in a middle-class family where there was no mention of the gospel of Jesus Christ...
I’m Going Higher Some Day
Tell me, could a person who prays and reads his Bible almost every day and memorizes Bible verses not be a Christian? Well, this was my predicament during my high school years. Where my parents brought me to church, each...
Irish Eyes
I was born in Leeds, a large city in the north of England. My parents were Roman Catholic and brought me up within the confines of the Catholic Church. In my teenage years, I became convinced of my own hypocrisy...