The CD’s are enclosed in a 4 color cardboard sleeve and shrink-wrapped for protection. The Uplook offices carry some CD stock for the requested donation of $1.00 per CD plus shipping. Please contact us for available titles and quantities.
For larger quantities, we can add your contact information to the CD face and arrange for drop shipping. The prices from our supplier in the USA include CD duplication and printing, 4 color cardboard sleeve, shrink wrapping and tax. Shipping is not included and would add between .03 to .05 per CD, depending on your location. Customs duty will be added to Canadian addresses. Prices subject to change.
250 @ $1.72 each
500 @ $1.12 each
750 @ $.81 each
1000 @ $.72 each
1500 @ $.67 each
2000 @ $.65 each
5000 @ $.57 each
Connect with us using the contact page with questions or to order.
Hope in the Storms of Life

Back copy: “When life gets rough… really rough and when human help isn’t enough. You can pretend it will be ok, you can drown in despair or you can find real and certain hope from that faithful old Lighthouse still shining in the darkness.” LISTEN
The Uniqueness of Christianity

Back copy: “Aren’t all religions basically the same? Does Christianity offer convincing proof? Are there answers for the big questions in life? Is there any way of knowing for sure?” LISTEN
Highway to Heaven

Back Copy: “You can know how to get to heaven. Fiction or Fact? Here’s a promise written over 2000 years ago: “These things I have written.. that you may know that you have eternal life.” If there’s just a 1 % chance it could be true, isn’t it worth considering? Millions have, and say they found it is.” LISTEN
The Perfect Gift

Back Copy: “If there is an ultimate gift that’s ideal for every person on earth, wouldn’t you want to know about it? It would have to be one-size-fits-all. Unbreakable. Never wears out. Just whatever would it be?” LISTEN
The World’s Biggest Lie

Back Copy: “Some BIG ONES overheard in town lately: I promise I’ll pay you back. I’m doing this for your own good. Someone will be with you shortly. The check is in the mail. I’ll never do it again. I’ll call you right back. You haven’t changed a bit! But none of them is the world’s BIGGEST LIE It’s believed by most of your neighbors. Maybe you believe it yourself. Know what it is? Best selling author William MacDonald tells us. In twelve minutes flat. Honest.” LISTEN
The Greatest Thing in the World

Back Copy: “By this we know love, because Jesus laid down his life for us. That’s what the good book says. If it’s true, it’s the key to the greatest love story in history and you’re in it.” LISTEN
Nothing Happens by Chance

Back Copy: “Sometimes life seems so random. Does anybody know what you are going through? Does anybody care? Give best-selling author William MacDonald just ten minutes of your time and find out how much God cares about you.” LISTEN