The cross was not a decoration on a steeple or a piece of jewelry. It was an instrument of painful death. So why would anyone say they “glory in the cross”? Especially a Jew like Paul who believed that a person on a cross was under the curse of God. Only ONE PERSON could be beautiful enough, powerful enough, wise enough, to change the worst day in history into the best day that ever was. Only ONE PERSON could be crucified in weakness and at the same time defeat sin, death and hell. Only ONE PERSON could confound the brightest minds on earth with the seeming foolishness of the cross. The cross of Christ changes everything.

Are you a child of God through faith in Christ? Do you know how much the Lord is doing for you now? Have you heard that He’s thought of everything? He knew in advance how silly and wayward we would be. That’s why He calls us sheep. And it’s why we need our Good Shepherd to get us safely Home. So why read this little booklet? Because you’ll be amazed to find out what kind of help is available. And you’ll have a refresher course on how much Jesus loves you. Will it make you careless if you find out how He’s doing so much for you? Just the opposite. I think you’ll love Him all the more and want to serve Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

Millions of people in the West claim to be Christians. Are they? What does it mean to be a real Christian according to the Bible? There are some who say you CAN’T know if you’re ready to meet God, but they do their best to show how a Christian should live. Others say you CAN know you’re ready but then never show it in your life. Who is telling the truth, and what does God’s Word say about this? If forever is at stake, it seems we ought to check it out.