Monday, April 1, 1991
A Bible Encyclopedia
We all know the parable of the ten virgins who waited for the bridegroom, five wise and five foolish. They were all caught sleeping when the bridegroom's coming was announced. If you want to gain insight into the biblical narrative...
Friday, March 1, 1991
Selecting an Atlas
Jesus had read a startling statement concerning the coming Messiah in the synagogue at Nazareth. Then He applied it to Himself. But this is the carpenter's son, they had said. In unbelief "they led Him to the brow of the...
Friday, February 1, 1991
A Concordance
The concordance was one of the most under-used reference tools I owned. I was given my first concordance, a Young's, as a wedding gift by one of the elders in my assembly. For years I used it to simply find...