
Sunday, November 1, 1992

The Long-Awaited Book

A few years ago, a book named "Roots" took the country by storm. It was about an Afro-American who traced his roots back to Africa. This exploration gave him a sense of continuity with history and changed the way he...

Thursday, October 1, 1992

Culture & Customs

In the preface of Structural Principles of the Bible by F. E. Marsh is a quote from Myles Coverdale, one of the early translators of the Bible. He stated, "It shall greatly helpe ye to understand Scripture, if thou mark...

Tuesday, September 1, 1992

A Wise Choice

James starts his little epistle by telling us that we should "count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations (testings) knowing . . . " that through these we will become complete and mature. However, that presupposes we...

Wednesday, July 1, 1992

Acting on Acts – True to the Faith

The last sight the world had of the itinerant preacher from Galilee who claimed to be the Son of God was Calvary. They had finally rid the land of His message and His disciples had been proven to be following...

Monday, June 1, 1992

On the Revelation

The Bible is primarily the revelation of God and especially through the Lord Jesus Christ. Our first introduction to God is as the Creator of the heavens and the earth. In His creation He told us of His greatness and...

Friday, May 1, 1992

Books About the Spirit

Within the heart of each believer resides the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. He is a Person, He is God, and He is the One who gives us the power to live the Christian life. Some believers...

Wednesday, April 1, 1992

Books to Help You Grow

On a fine Saturday morning, he opens the door to what he expects to be a real adventure. He has in his pocket some hard-earned money and is ready to part with it for the learning he will find in...

Sunday, March 1, 1992

Seed to the Sower

In 1945, a group of men met together in England to discuss the need for a publication that would endeavor to emphasize that aspect of truth known as "church truth." Out of this concern there arose a magazine called Precious...

Saturday, February 1, 1992


In my bookshelf are two hymnbooks that are precious to me. One is inscribed with my name and the words, "From Grandma, baptism 9/30/56." The other has my wife's name and "From the P. A. (Port Arthur, ON) Gospel Hall,...
