Magazine Issue Articles

Monday, December 2, 2002

Those Women

Is Matthew’s genealogy any way to begin a best seller? Especially because after citing forty-two names, we notice that the last one—the subject of the biography—isn’t physically related to the others! Joseph, “as was supposed,” is His father only in...

Sunday, December 1, 2002

The Pricelessness of Christ

It is a peculiarity of Paul that the most ordinary of facts suggest to him the sublimest of truths. There is not an event he observes but he can find a road from it up to the cross. The love...

Sunday, December 1, 2002

The Fullness of the Godhead

Do we just assume that the Lord Jesus Christ was eternal or do the Scriptures present Him as such? The latter certainly is true. Isaiah wrote of the Messiah, “Unto us a child is born [the humanity of Christ] unto...

Sunday, December 1, 2002

The Virgin Birth

It is fascinating to note that two celestial messengers transmitted two sets of information to two people—Mary and Joseph—and were recorded by two authors, Luke and Matthew. Instead of attesting the copy, therefore, in the mouth of only two witnesses,...

Sunday, December 1, 2002

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Malignant melanoma! A new word had entered our family’s vocabulary, a synonym for fear. It was February 1973 and we had been on the mission field in Lima, Peru for nine years. It had been more than long enough to prove...

Sunday, December 1, 2002

The Promise of the King

He knows our need of a king. He knows the hopeless anarchy, not only of a world, but of a heart, “without a king.” Is there a more desolate cry than “We have no king”? None to reverence and love,...

Saturday, November 2, 2002

The Man with Three Firsts

The Old Testament is full of exquisite portraits of our Saviour. He can be observed everywhere to those who have eyes to see. But one of the most remarkable of these divine illustrations is the man named Joshua. Although many...
