Church Practice in Thessalonica
Learning to draw lines. To fathom, even to a limited degree, the depths of God’s wisdom and savor the beauty of His ways, the Bible student must “rightly divide” the Word. If we fail to do so, our view will be...
Amazing Grace
We have received "grace upon grace," "manifold" and "unsearchable riches" of His grace. We may ransack every dictionary in the world only to discover that there are no adjectives that adequately describe the grace of God. It is so multifaceted, versatile,...
Planting the Church at Thessalonica
Grace can make beauty flourish in the most unlikely surroundings. Paul and Silas had crossed over into Europe with the gospel in response to a vision which Paul had experienced. In this way, the gospel came to this large Roman province...
Passion and Purity in Thessalonica
Cleanliness is part of godliness. In an unholy world, the Christian gospel stands out for the dramatic change it makes in the lives of its adherents. Like the contemporary world, ancient Thessalonica was a depraved den of iniquity, but the liberating...
A Pattern Church
The fledgling saints at Thessalonica show us the way. What makes a local church a model to be admired or even emulated? Most would look at the visible signs of growth. For many Christians, the number of people meeting would be...
Progress in Thessalonica
Their spiritual growth was evident to all. Is ours? Paul the apostle wrote the first letter to the Thessalonian church while he was in Corinth. According to Acts 17, Paul spent approximately three weeks with the fledgling church. After his success...
The Prospect of the Church
Living in the light of His coming. We were greeting one another in the parking lot after meeting when a family pulled in to make a drive-by inquiry about what we believe. I was glad to tell them that we believe...
Ready – or Not
Armies call being prepared "a state of readiness." Here's our checklist. My dictionary gives the following meaning of “ready”: “in a suitable state for an activity, action or situation; fully prepared.” When I was a little fellow playing Hide and Seek...