Two Thomases
Thomas Hardy, the great 19th century novelist, was an avowed cynic in regard to spiritual matters. Under the influence of contemporary skeptics, he disavowed his early faith in God. In fact, he went so far as to write a poem...
Transformed Passion
Simon the Zealot meets the Lord For a man who did and said nothing that is recorded in the New Testament, Simon the Zealot certainly raises fascinating issues. What makes Simon so interesting is the dramatic description attached to his name....
Focus on Philip
I was admittedly biased when it came to selecting this topic. Our only son was born two years ago and we named him Philip. Incidentally, we didn’t name him after either Philip cited in the first five books of the...
Purity (Part 3)
When it comes to online life, much of the purity content is written with men in mind (see part 1 and part 2). And rightly so, since it is a reality that men are more influenced by visual temptations than...
Lead Me to The Rock
One of the most widespread pictures of Christ that we find in the Bible is that of the rock. He is presented as such in a variety of ways in order to capture the many facets of His person and...
Moses in the Rock
Throughout the Bible, the rock is a picture of Christ. Whether referring to the stone the builders rejected, the stone cut out without hands, the stone of stumbling and the rock of offense, the living stone, the cornerstone, or the...
The Foundation Stone
Why do so many Christians cooperate with the devil? Are you shocked by such a question? Our Savior is doing the mighty work of building His church. He is actively opposed by the devil, the cunning serpent and roaring lion,...
The Living Stone
The title living stone occurs in only this one place in Scripture. Speaking of the Lord Jesus, the apostle Peter writes, “To whom coming, a living stone…you yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house” (literal...
The Precious Stone
“Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious…” (1 Peter 2:4) THE BUILDING PROGRAM Why is Christ this precious stone? Scripture calls our Lord Jesus the precious Cornerstone. The cornerstone is the first stone to be...