Spiritual Ambition
In his second epistle, Peter describes the condition of professing Christendom and the unbelieving world as existing at the end of the age. Two particular forms of evil are recorded: first, in chapter 2, the presence of false teachers propagating...
What the Sheep Should Do
The expectations we have for our elders seem to far outstrip our awareness of our responsibilities to our overseers. To know them. "We beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and...
Renewal Through Humility
What is the greatest need among assemblies today? A variety of answers might be given to that question, but certainly one of them would be the subject of leadership, its form and quality. We seem to be clear as to the...
Home Visitation
Am I instructed to be involved in home visitation? Should our assembly work out a practical approach to this ministry? In some quarters, the subject of visiting in the home brings up doubts, fears, and many questions in the hearts...
Is the Church Holding Up?
There are, it seems to me, three kinds of pillars. Some are merely for decoration. Superfluous structurally, they are there nonetheless to give the appearance of strength and stability. There is a famous one like that in the south of...
Substance & Evidence
The Epistle to the Hebrews, perhaps beyond all others, is designed to strengthen the faith, confidence, and assurance of God's people. This is everywhere apparent: the great quality that is extolled in chapter 11 is not zeal or godliness or...
The Saviour Comes
The whole world was rolling down the ages in darkness to its doom. Did the hosts that populate the regions of unsullied light peer over the battlements of heaven and mark with sadness its downward course? Did these glorious beings...
Across the Street
For thirty years I'd looked at a vast empty quarter on maps of the area to the northwest of Nyankunde, Zaire wondering if it was really uninhabited. The steamy rain forest remains as wild and dark as it ever has,...
Hanging by a Thread
"In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me: And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands" (2...