Magazine Issue Articles

Sunday, September 1, 1991

Dabar-Elohim: The Word of God

The author of the Scriptures, like the Creator, reveals His perfection in all that He does. We see it in the use of certain words and phrases in Psalm 119. In this chapter there are 176 verses, divided into 22...

Sunday, September 1, 1991

The Bible in Our Lives

The Word of God is the food of the soul. There can be no normal growth or progress apart from it (1 Peter 2:2; Heb. 5:11-12). It must be allowed to enter into the fiber of the Christian's life, as...

Sunday, September 1, 1991

In Our Hands & In Our Hearts

The following material is not intended to be an exhaustive study of our subject. It is, however, the writer's purpose to emphasize some of the structure of the Scriptures to encourage its faithful and fruitful study. Our goal should be,...

Sunday, September 1, 1991

Inspiration: Eight Reasons Why

In Hebrews 1:1-2, we read one of the many claims the Bible makes to being the revealed Word of God. The book is full of "Thus saith the Lord" and, "Verily, I say unto you." There are a great many...

Sunday, September 1, 1991

Incarnation: Eight Reasons Why

To the Christian, Christ is all in all. His name rises above every name. His life is the model life. His worth overshadows the world's wealth. His light dispels darkness, and is above the brightness of the sun. The Christian...

Sunday, September 1, 1991

Don’t Be Deceived

One of the clearest warnings given in the New Testament concerns the proliferation of false prophets and teachers who will lead many astray. Disguising themselves as trusted Christian brethren -- wolves in sheep's clothing -- these deceivers secretly introduce destructive...

Sunday, September 1, 1991


So infinitely glorious is God, so wondrous are His works, so exalted is His majesty, and so marvelous is His love for humankind, that He has brought into play every device of human language to reveal Himself to us. Statements of...

Monday, July 1, 1991

Spilled or Poured?

If you leave Jerusalem by the Jaffa Gate and head south, you will first descend steeply into the head of the Hinnom Valley before rising to the Plain of Rephaim. You may not hear "the sound of a going in...

Monday, July 1, 1991

Andrew: The Personal Worker

Andrew was a very ordinary man. His name is only mentioned thirteen times in the New Testament, but each reference to him unfolds something of his character. He lived to introduce others to the Lord Jesus. He was the first...
