Magazine Issue Articles

Saturday, February 1, 1992

The Solitary Saviour

"And Jesus was left alone" (Jn. 8:9). The word "alone" (monos) is used eight times in the Gospels in connection with the Saviour. It truly expresses one aspect of the cost to Him of becoming incarnate in this world of sin....

Saturday, February 1, 1992

Be an Example

The following article was prepared by the elders of the Charlottetown Bible Chapel for the good of the saints in their local fellowship. We include it here (only slightly abridged) for the good of God's people everywhere. This was submitted...

Saturday, February 1, 1992


Uplook Magazine, February 1992 Written by Carl T. Knott

Saturday, February 1, 1992

The Intercessor

Three times over in the Bible, and each in an entirely different context, Abraham is called "the friend of God" (2 Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8; James 2:23). In 2 Chronicles 20:7, King Jehoshaphat prayed to the Lord in a time...

Saturday, February 1, 1992

God’s Will and Present Loss

The desire to have divine guidance is not limited to Christians. Down through the centuries, man has tried to invoke wisdom and help from whatever gods they worshiped. Behind this universal desire to have help from above in making decisions...

Wednesday, January 1, 1992

Tour a Model Home

I had been asked to attend a conference on the south shore of the breathtaking Lake Geneva which lies between the Alps of Switzerland and France, like a blue ribbon uncertain which range should receive first prize for its surpassing...

Wednesday, January 1, 1992

The Neglected Parable

Uplook Magazine, January 1992 Written by  F. W. Boreham

Wednesday, January 1, 1992

Teaching the Children

The difference between a lecturer and a Christian who is teaching their children is this: the lecturer has as his first aim the imparting of knowledge; the parents have as their first aim to introduce their hearers to a living...

Wednesday, January 1, 1992

The Lord’s Time

The day in which we live is an age of speed. The craze for speed gets into the blood and the death rate increases. On the contrary, nature's processes move slowly and steadily to their conclusion. But man can't wait....
