Rhythm seems to characterize all life as we know it. The tide ebbs and flows; day succeeds night, and night day; the seasons follow in rotation; storm and calm, sunshine and shower, cold and heat alternate. Rhythm accompanies all motion. "Win...
The God of Patience
The mills of God grind slowly, But they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands watching, With exactness grinds He all. The writer of these words had learned a little of the God of Patience. It is no cause for...
Priests & Faulty Logic
What is faulty in this logic? 1. All believers are priests. 2. This means that women are priests as well as men. 3. Therefore, women can perform the same priestly functions in the church that men do. The first statement is true. In this...
Why God Loves Us
You may have heard someone say, "I don't understand why God loves me." You may have had this thought about yourself. There are many reasons revealed in Scripture why God sets His love on the human race. God's Character The underlying reason...
Investing in Your Future
Today the Democratic Party has done about everything possible to alienate Bible-believing Christians--from materialistic economic programs to a stubborn defense of perversion and the murdering of the unborn. But it may surprise believers that the man largely responsible for setting...
Passing the Baton
As Christians we have been entered in the greatest race, a relay that will test our endurance to complete the course. As spiritual athletes, we are to discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness. Bodily discipline is only of little...
Mean Business about God’s Business
Diligence is a quality of the soul which in the power of the Holy Spirit will enrich the personality and enlarge one's capacity in the things of the Lord. Nowhere does Scripture countenance laziness. It was "while men slept the...
More Golden than Gold
Private property seems ingrained in the fibre of our civilization. It was sanctioned by the Law which said, "Thou shalt not steal," and "Thou shalt not covet." The New Testament ratifies both those commandments. The gospel puts a check on...