Addressing the Lord Jesus
Both words for "worship" in the New Testament, proskuneo and latreuo, are used of worship rendered to the Father and the Son [proskuneo, in Jn. 4:23-24; Rev. 4:10, to the Father, and in Lk. 24:52 to the Son; laltreuo in...
20/20 Vision
The planning committee for our small campus group was intently discussing the upcoming school year. There was an earnest desire to see students won for the Saviour. There were only a few of us, but what was that to the...
The Bible Reading
A feature of the early days of assemblies was the frequent use of conversational Bible readings. The interchange of thought, of question and answer provoked lively discussion. At such gatherings many were brought into a deeper knowledge of the ways...
How to Catch Men
Two young men were casting a net into the sea. Both were too busily engaged to perceive that they were being watched with evident interest by a Bystander, for they were fishermen, and their living depended on their success. Their...
The Old Evangelism
This is an era of change. Nothing seems stable or stationary. Verities are tossed about like vanities. Not only customs but convictions are to be subject to modifications and variations. Not a few who are older in years begin to...
Blessed Quietness
Evangelical churches are a flurry of words, announcements, promotions, songs, specials, anecdotes, jokes, antics, and sermons (some good, many not so good). How refreshing to rediscover the Lord's Supper or what is commonly called the "breaking of bread." It is a...
I Like Making Notes
We had been invited by a family to spend a weekend with them. We arrived in time for supper and had an enjoyable time around the meal. After eating, the Bible was brought out, read and commented on. Then "Hymns...
Praying for the Lost
The question has been raised in recent days: "Should we pray for the lost?" This was in response to an article in Interest magazine entitled "Don't Pray for the Lost." It has been the position of this magazine to simply...
Faithful & Powerful
The luxury cruise ship glides gracefully through the turquoise waters of Hamilton harbor. Her railings are soon lined with curious sightseers as her mighty engines propel her towards her berth along the fabled Front Street of the Bermudian capital. Their...