To this eye of Asia, as Ephesus was proudly called, the first of these seven inspired messages was sent by the Great Bishop of souls. He enjoins John to put on record the grounds of His commendation. He begins with...
Three Views of the Church
God gives us three views of Church truth, as we shall see in our study of the seven church letters. First, they were seven literal churches at the time when John wrote. Second, they show us conditions that exist at...
But Thou Art Rich
From the silence to Smyrna, just one word, one gleam of light, is given: "But thou art rich." It is as though He bent over them and whispered the great truth. Smyrna counts thee poor. I count thee rich. The...
An Open Door
In the prophetic outline of church history given us in chapters 2 and 3 of the Revelation, we see that after the Protestant apostasy depicted in the message to Sardis, it was said to Philadelphia: "Behold, I have set before...
It’s Time
The young groom fidgets nervously in the anteroom, supported by his best man. Butterflies practice aerobatics in his stomach and a trip hammer works overtime in his ears. He thinks he can hardly stand another minute of this heart palpitation,...
Review & Reward
To Abram, called from the luxury of city life to be a sojourner in a strange land, God said: "I am thy Shield, and thy exceeding great Reward" (Gen. 15:1). Was Abraham a loser? Whatever he left, he had God...
A Call to Faithfulness
Faithfulness produces both blessing and suffering. We all like blessing but tend to avoid suffering. Yet we cannot have one without the other. Proverbs 28:20 says, "A faithful man shall abound with blessings." A good example of this is Abraham...
Too Good to be True
There were some groups conspicuous by their absence from the list of creditors, and others embarrassingly included. When the "double your money in six months" Foundation for New Era Philanthropy filed for bankruptcy on May 15, they listed $551 million...
Caution: Tongue at Work!
It lies there, docile in its dark, moist chamber, doing neither good nor ill. But don't be fooled. It can suddenly spring to action, responding like a wild, bucking bronco, a storm-driven ship, a raging forest fire, a poisonous viper,...