Magazine Issue Articles

Sunday, October 1, 1995

Is Evolution Probable?

Evolution is not a true theory at all. Webster defines a theory as "a formulation of apparent relationships or underlying principles of certain observed phenomena which has been verified to some degree." No matter how proponents of evolution brandish their...

Sunday, October 1, 1995

Choose Your Assumptions Carefully

The validity of the assumptions made in the beginning of a venture determine the validity of the conclusion. This is preeminently true in the creation-evolution debate. Science Undermined At the beginning of modern science, foremost scientists like Newton, Kepler, Pascal, Boyle, Faraday,...

Sunday, October 1, 1995

You Have to Believe Evolution

Ever since my Intro. Biology course at university, I have concluded that any scientist who accepts macro-evolution must suffer from a form of intellectual schizophrenia. How else can you explain the following scenario? The professor strides confidently into the lecture...

Sunday, October 1, 1995

Chemistry in Stereo

In seeking to answer the supposed proofs of evolution, one is always in danger of refuting arguments which evolutionists themselves have already abandoned on the field of battle. In fact, the history of evolutionary "evidence" is as littered with corpses...

Sunday, October 1, 1995

The Designer

When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him? (Ps. 8:3-4). The...

Friday, September 1, 1995

Who is the Angel?

John the Beloved is the amanuensis in the Revelation, writing what he heard on Patmos. But the letters are addressed in each case to "the angel of the church" in the cities mentioned. Elsewhere in this issue, articles discuss the...

Friday, September 1, 1995

Intercepted Letters

How these epistles speak to us of our Lord's tender solicitude for the welfare of His assemblies! In them we learn too the holy judgment of Him "who hath His eyes like unto a flame of fire," as He views...

Friday, September 1, 1995


A spiritual disease of Latitudinarianism prevails among the saints today, even among those who in the past have maintained the truth of God. This name emerged in the 17th and 18th Centuries within the Church of England, when certain religious...

Friday, September 1, 1995

Promises to Laodicea

The epistle to the Laodiceans is not pure reproof. Against the backdrop of dismal decline the Lord proffers two superlative promises to individuals. Laodicea was about 15 miles north by northwest of Colosse, and the two churches received and interchanged Paul's...
