Magazine Issue Articles

Saturday, March 1, 1997


It will be well to obtain, at the outset, a true conception of what is meant by confession. The use of the word in Scripture, together with illustrations, must be our guides. The Meaning of Confession A variety of ideas unite in...

Saturday, March 1, 1997

The Meaning of Worship

Let us examine the incident with Mary in John 12 negatively, and seek to discover what she did not come to do on this memorable occasion. From this negative approach, we can learn much of the positive character of true...

Saturday, March 1, 1997

Have You Hugged an Elder Lately?

We recently have heard of Christians in two assemblies who decided to express their appreciation to their elders before their elders' funerals (the usual time to wax eloquent about others)--a novel approach indeed. One assembly's young ladies (the New Hampshire...

Saturday, March 1, 1997

Assess Your Prayer Life

God is once more calling His people loudly to a revival of faith in the divine efficacy of prayer. Will you and I respond to His call? That we may know what such a response may involve, may we let...

Saturday, March 1, 1997

Keep in Touch

Prayer to and worship of our God and Father must surely be one of the Christian's greatest privileges while here on earth. It is a privilege we need to appreciate and appropriate more. Prayer stems from the fact that we are...

Saturday, March 1, 1997

The Sky Telegram

Nehemiah was expert in both intense and impulse praying. Verse 4 of chapter 1 says, "I...prayed before the God of heaven"; verse 4 of chapter 2 says, "I prayed to the God of heaven"--but the two prayers were so different...

Saturday, March 1, 1997

Heart Cry

In the words of Thomas Carlyle, "Prayer is and remains always the native and deepest impulse of the soul of man." This instinct of prayer is universal, and idolatry is a proof of it. Among the most depraved tribes and savage...

Saturday, March 1, 1997


There are perhaps seven functions of prayer: worship, praise, thanksgiving, confession, intercession, supplication, and advocacy. Most of these we are familiar with. However, there is one aspect perhaps not so commonly utilized--advocacy. This is one of the great ongoing ministries...

Saturday, March 1, 1997

Positions & Conditions in Prayer

Variety is a divine principle in more than one realm, and a change of position may be as beneficial to the mind as to the body. Heart attitude is all-important, and unless the exterior is a true index of an...
