Never Man Spake Like This Man
Four simple men were used by God to record the history of One who called Himself the Son of Man, who walked familiarly among men, eating and drinking, and conversing with them. They tell their story in plain, straightforward language,...
The Excellencies of Emmanuel
The Name above every name is found written in simple majesty on the first and last pages of the New Testament, and those whose eyes have been anointed with the Spirit's salve can trace it from the beginning to the...
The Central Place for the Cross
Three centuries before the Apostle Paul lived and suffered, there was a migration of Celtic tribes from Gaul. These, passing across Europe, settled in Asia Minor (now Turkey), and gave their ancient name to their new home (Galatia simply being...
The Ministry of Tears
Each member of the human race usually begins life weeping, for weeping is one of the first signs of life in a newly born babe, and the entire path of life is in measure soaked with tears. We may rest...
One Hour
Our Redeemer was in the Garden of Gethsemane. His hour was come. He knew that His agony was fast approaching Him, and He felt a longing for two or three of His disciples near Him. But even that slight support...
No mind can fathom, no heart can grasp, no pen describe how wonderful the Saviour is. He is wonderful if we think of Him as the Only Begotten of the Father. He is the image of the invisible God, the...
For Such a God is Mine
It is a present possibility to learn of God in a special way while living in a realm of chaos, challenge, and sin. We cannot so learn to know our God in heaven, for those elements which afflict the flesh...
The Bright Side of Growing Older
I suppose nobody ever naturally did like the idea of getting older, at least after he had left school. There is a sense of oppression and depression about it (Eccl. 1:4-5). The irresistible, inevitable onward march of moments and years...
Let Each Be Fully Convinced
In Romans 14, Paul is dealing with the differences among the Christians of his day concerning food. Some from Jewish backgrounds were still sensitive about dietary issues. From birth they had been warned not to eat certain foods that were...