The Gospel is Much More
Camping made many memories for us as we raised our children. Some of those memories were around a campfire singing hymns together, visiting with new friends, oh, yes! and enjoying tasty treats. We'd wait till everybody went back to their...
Presenting the Gospel
We are not going to discuss technique or even doctrine but the inward qualities of effective gospel witnessing. Notice five of these: knowledge, earnestness, faithfulness, dignity and tenderness. These are the indispensables of true evangelism. Knowledge We remember hearing a listener say...
What is a Christian?
Christ-ian--the suffix -ian simply means "one of." A Christian is one who is of Christ Jesus the Lord. Before we consider what constitutes a person being a true Christian, it will be helpful to understand what a Christian is not. A...
Paul’s Call to Elders
Paul knew it was goodbye! He would see the Ephesian elders no more this side of heaven. So in an impassioned appeal he left for elders everywhere a trumpet call to arms. In a series of couplets, he laid out...
The Up Side of Down
I was witnessed to last week, the first time I can remember. Sherry was a kindly looking lady sitting by the airplane window, probably in her mid-sixties. She made a frontal attack. Point blank, she told me she was a member...
Peter the Emboldened
To outward appearance, Peter's character may be read on the surface. He is a plain, blunt man that speaks the language of the common day and breathes the desires of the passing hour. He is more like an open book...
Simon Peter Steps Out in Faith
The close of Matthew 14 presents a scene in the life of Peter on which we may dwell with profit for a few moments. It furnishes a good illustration of his own touching inquiry, "Lord, to whom shall we go?" Our...
Restoration and a New Commission
The whole Sabbath day Christ lay in the grave. But the resurrection morning comes, and Peter and John, told by Mary Magdalene that the Lord had been taken from the sepulcher, run to the grave, and Peter is outrun by...
Simon Peter: The Giver
The life of Simon Peter has always been of particular interest to God's people. His very names blend together the human and the divine, even as does Jacob/Israel. How vividly he manifests the frailty of human nature and the rock-like...