Time Management
Whether you are a carpenter, company president, keeper at home, or a salesperson on the road, you need at least three characteristics to find success and fulfillment in your daily work-life and Christian pilgrimage. You need the aptitude, the correct...
Taking You For a Ride
When abortion was legalized in the United States, it was then predicted that within ten years euthanasia would be made legal, and infanticide would soon follow. Abortion advocates ridiculed these prophets as alarmists. But now, as we see the wheels...
When abortion on demand swept the US, many Christians responded: "This world refuses and even murders its children. But children are an heritage from the Lord; they are a blessing; therefore we will welcome them. We will adopt children. We...
Some Prayer Closet!
I was born the first time in 1954 in southern Guilford County, near Greensboro, NC. This part of North Carolina has long been known for the numerous Quaker or Friends meetings that were established in the 1700's. My family had...
Born on the Mission Field
I was born on the mission field. As an MK, I had the opportunity to observe up close the Naidanac (nay-da-nak) tribal group among which my parents serve. Many of them are nomads, foraging for areas with greener grass, which...
Witnessing to Catholics
To reach Roman Catholics, they must be personally convinced they are lost. Sadly, in Evangelical circles there is a growing trend to accept Catholicism as a viable Christian church. Key evangelical leaders write with sympathy and respect of the Vatican...
The Changing Face of Missions
The onset of the world-wide missionary outreach of the assemblies began rather unpretentiously on a misty warfside in Gravesend, England, on June 12, 1829. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Norris Groves and their family sailed for St. Petersburg, Russia, en route...
The Uniqueness of Christ
In 1 Corinthians 8:4-7, in reference to idols, the Apostle Paul wrote: "Therefore concerning the eating of things offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one....