Why the Tribulation?
Today man has attempted to strip God of every attribute except love. By this, humanity assumes God will provide universal salvation on the last day, and until then will give freedom to allow the human race do as they choose....
Messiah on Display
The land of Israel may have more museums per capita than any other country in the world. But of all the museums in the country, none can compare with the Shrine of the Book and its sacred treasure. Designed to...
Anointed to Serve
Our chapter is not a long one, but it will be found filled with interest and refreshment if we can trace in it the path of our Lord Jesus Christ from His early home in Nazareth, till in a day,...
Immanuel: the Virgin’s Son
It is characteristic of predictive prophecy that it often mingles different times in one composite picture. The prophet must speak, of course, to his own time in a way that can be understood by his contemporaries. Yet he is not...
Vindicated at Last
There is only one brow which this crown of thorns will fit. As the eunuch sat in his chariot and read this wonderful lyric of sorrow even unto death, he questioned of whom the writer spoke. Philip, in reply, commenced...
His Times, Our Times
Let's pay a visit to old Jerusalem. The period is early in the reign of King Ahaz. The main factors in the situation are the two mighty empires of Egypt in the south, and Assyria far to the northeast. Egypt has...
Isaiah: Historical Backdrop
Until the middle of the last century, almost all we knew about the kings of Assyria was contained in the Bible, and in unreliable notices in the Greek historians. So mighty a monarch as Sargon was unknown to us, apart...
Seven Keys to Wise Investing
One of the precious gifts that God has given to every human being is the gift of time. Time is a precious resource, and absolutely non-renewable. Each hour, each day, each year of life, rolls relentlessly into eternity, carrying with...