Magazine Issue Articles

Friday, October 1, 1999

Get it Straight

It is commonly held by many in Christendom that instant salvation from the penalty of sin is impossible. It is supposed that conversion is a process which requires much time and earnest perseverance before God can accept the sinner and...

Friday, October 1, 1999

Saved… from what?

God's grace does not encourage licentiousness. We glory in the fact that we are saved by grace alone, apart from human works (Eph. 2:8-9). But God's grace leads us away from the world culture in which we live to a...

Thursday, September 2, 1999


The dictionary defines unique as "being the only one, without a like or equal." Strictly speaking, something cannot be "somewhat unique" or "very unique." According to Oxford, the word fell into disuse in the 17th and 18th centuries, no doubt...

Wednesday, September 1, 1999

I Know My Redeemer Lives

It was after the resurrection that the eleven disciples were transformed into the powerful company that turned the world upside down. And examining the resurrection of Christ has turned hardened atheists into men of God. It is because of the...

Wednesday, September 1, 1999

Learn of Me

The disciple of Christ is a learner from Christ. "Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me;" said the Saviour, "for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest for your souls" (Mt. 11:29). The...

The Secret of the Broken Box
Wednesday, September 1, 1999

The Secret of the Broken Box

Wednesday, September 1, 1999

The Firstborn

The term "firstborn" is used three times of the Lord Jesus Christ in relation to others: the Firstborn of every creature (Col. 1:15); the Firstborn from the dead (Col. 1:18); the Firstborn among many brethren (Rom. 8:29). An excellent definition of...

Wednesday, September 1, 1999

Consider the Lilies

The common day lily grows prolifically along country roads and highways, as well as in many of our gardens in the northeastern region of the United States. I suspect its growing range may go far beyond that, for this plant...

Friday, July 2, 1999

The Masterful Charge

I had heard about this charge from others. Yet as I entered the theological library in Haverlee, Belgium on that crisp fall day, it never entered my mind that I would personally hear the charge for the first time. Although...
