Pray For Mideast Peace
When I was asked to write for this paper some years ago, I expressed my belief that “every article should have what they used to call a ‘point.’” “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17) He was gracious in...
Just One Thing
I was in prison this past week, waiting for a graduation ceremony to begin. Chatting with one of the men in that program, I asked if he could share something he’d learned. Moving his hands around his head in a...
I Must Tell You
Imagine you hear the doorbell ring one day. To your utter shock, an emissary of some wealthy prince is at the door. “His Majesty would like you to attend his wedding to the princess of his dreams. Your needed wardrobe, travel,...
Just Suppose…
Do you like a good Just-Suppose story? You may find this one interesting. It’s about you. After a long, harried day with more than a few frustrations, you finally fall asleep. You dream, imagining you live in a country ruled by a...
The Witness Projection Program
Witnesses aren’t prosecutors or judges. They simply tell what they know. For the Christian, it means sharing about our Savior and His way of salvation: agreeing with God about the problem—our personal sin—and agreeing about the answer—Christ’s death for us. Here’s...
How Does Your Garden Grow?
I was born on a bitterly cold Canadian winter night in January. The snow lay deep across the landscape. Nobody was thinking about gardening. Well, that may not be exactly true. The diehard gardeners, at the very moment of my birth,...
Read A Good Book Lately?
I recall seeing a Charles Shultz cartoon with two students talking. One says to the other, “I think I’ve discovered the secret to understanding the Bible. I’ve started reading it.” America is flooded with Bibles. Almost nine out of ten households...
The Prophets Have Spoken
The great monotheistic religions of the world all trace their history to the little region east of the Mediterranean that still dominates world news. One of the uniting features of all three beliefs—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—is their conviction that we are...