Real Stories

Saturday, June 1, 2002

The Ungodly, Is That You?

When I was a little boy, we lived in the town of Bannockburn, Ontario. It is about halfway between Belleville and Bancroft, heading north. Summers were great, but winters were severe. It is amazing how God touches your life in different...

Saturday, December 1, 2001

The Soft Man from Rock

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan has a persona of toughness. The mining and logging history of the region have made it the land of austere, hard-bitten men. But the servants of Christ who have been sent there have often been...

Saturday, September 1, 2001

Repaying Evil With Good

A true life story. Fictitious names assigned for obvious reasons. Ernie was an officer in the U. S. Army, stationed at a large base in the U. S. Elise was content to forego an outside career; she felt that her calling...

Sunday, April 1, 2001

Has Messiah Already Come?

I was born in 1862 at Berezna, a little town in eastern Hungary, where I was brought up in orthodox Judaism. The Jews there looked on Christianity as a phase of heathenism, for the Catholics openly exhibited their idolatrous habits,...

Wednesday, November 1, 2000

Foster Parenting

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world" (Jas. 1:27). Have you ever been challenged, as a believer, to become actively...

Friday, September 1, 2000

Free At Last

I have seen the power of God in changing my life. I was known as an habitual criminal, a career criminal. Between 1979 and 1993, I was charged with the following: first degree arson, aggravated motor vehicle theft, criminal mischief,...

Monday, December 1, 1997

Rescued from the Devil’s Lair

I turned 40 on January 19th of this year. It was a Lord's Day morning. My thoughts were everywhere except my birthday. Actually, 40 is a lot younger than you think once you arrive there. Over breakfast I talked to...

Monday, September 1, 1997

Grace at Rest

One of her sisters said, "She taught me how to love." A co-worker at Rest Haven Homes said, "She demonstrated what true faith in God really was." But as far as I was concerned, Grace taught me, well, grace. Grace J....

Tuesday, July 1, 1997

Cobbling for Christ

When I was a boy, I felt it was both a duty and a privilege to help my widowed mother make ends meet by finding employment in vacation time, on Saturdays and other times when I did not have to...
