Rescuing Runaways
How fast and far do you have to travel to run away from God? David tells us. God has very long arms. Here are two stories in one to encourage you to pray for runaways.
The Book That Speaks
Let's pray the psalmist's request: "Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wondrous things from your instruction" (Ps 119:18, CSB).
Escape For Your Life!
This world has become man's hell. God's hell is still coming. Don't gamble with your forever. Jesus can save you now. No promises for tomorrow.
We don't always see the end game in the tragedies of life. "Why?" often hangs there unanswered. But faith discovers the answer here and there--enough to trust God for the rest.
The Devil’s Lie
Would you think a blaspheming thief was a step from salvation? Or a persecuting Pharisee? Or your neighbor or relative? Maybe all of them!
Heaven: Based on Good Looks?
Jesus used stories, current events, stimulating questions, and object lessons to drive home the gospel message. What do you use? Here’s a good example of being winsome so you can win some.
“I Was There”
Two lessons I learned from D.L. Moody's first visit to England: Be all in and be all there.
“You’ll NEVER Change!”
If you're a Christian, let me introduce you to one of your brothers. Tom was told he'd never change. He thought that was true—until he met Jesus.
Jesus And The Tax Office
Jesus was an outcast, first rejected by His townsfolk and eventually by His nation. Maybe that's why He had a special place in His heart for the folks at the tax office.