The Hidden Cost of Sin
The cost of a cell phone plan may seem like a bargain until one discovers the hidden costs and unexpected charges that drastically inflate the monthly bill. Hidden costs are an unpleasant reality in everyday living. But have you considered...
Will You Find the Time?
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. [Mt. 6:33] A new believer does not initially need a crash course in homiletics, Bible commentaries, computer programs, or topical studies...
One Rainy Day
A young lady had been visiting a small assembly of about 60 believers. She appreciated the teaching and the warm fellowship of the Christians there. Her particular concern, however, was the practice of the head covering worn by the women...
Faithful in Gathering Together
Ten years ago a young man professed to be saved and was baptized before our assembly. He never returned. I’ve observed new converts who, at one time, faithfully attended every meeting of the assembly, begin to slowly fade away after...
The Breaking of Bread
A visitor had been observing the meetings in our assembly for about six months. He had attended a number of different local churches in the area but found our gathering distinctly different. One Sunday morning, with a perplexed look on...
First Steps: Baptism
"Make ’em, Mark ’em, Mold ’em” were the words the elderly preacher used one Sunday morning. As a young believer, I was intrigued by the meaning of each part of his crude outline. His text was from Matthew 28:19-20. As I...