Financing the Local Assembly
Money, like fire and water, is a cruel master but a very productive servant. Some of the earliest incidents in the church were associated with money. After the great blessing at Pentecost (Acts 2) an enormous need was created among...
Men & Women: Is There a Difference (Part 2)
Most instruction in the New Testament is directed to all believers. There are, however, certain instructions for specific groups--including men and women. Women have distinctive roles in God's order (see the Aug. 1996 Uplook). Here is how God chooses to...
Roles of Men & Women: Is There a Difference?
There is a difference between equality and sameness. Equality is a statement of value. God makes no difference between men and women when it comes to value. Paul makes that plain in Galatians 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Greek,...
Care & Feeding of the Flock
One of the many ways God cares for His people in this age is through shepherds or elders. This is God's idea. We save ourselves a lot of mental stress when we accept this just as He presents it to...
Getting the Most from the Message
God cares for His people through gifted men* speaking His truth. It is true that those who publically preach the Word of God have an obligation to deliver the highest quality ministry to the best of their God-given ability. It...
Should We Preach the Gospel?
When we speak about preaching the gospel in the local church, we are not saying that it is the only place the gospel should be preached. There are many opportunities to preach the gospel both publicly and privately. Preaching the...
10 Reasons to Be There
1. We are commanded to assemble together more frequently as the return of the Lord draws closer (Heb. 10:25). Even in the days of the early church, believers began to abandon meeting together. That is the idea in the word...
Are You in Fellowship?
Why are some people so heavily involved in their assembly? They are always there, always available, always willing to help. These folks rarely complain and when the assembly passes through times of trouble, they are looking for solutions, not problems. Others,...