January 18
CHRIST UNSEEN yet SEEN: “The world will see Me no more, but you will see Me” (Jn 14:19). F.B. Meyer writes, “We may enjoy the perpetual recognition of the presence of Christ. Nothing makes men so humble yet so strong...
January 17
CHRIST the ALTOGETHER LOVELY ONE (Song of Sol 5:16): This world, though fallen, still catches us by surprise with its beauty. Who can capture in words the blazing hues of the autumn foliage somehow painted on the leaves by the pale...
January 16
CHRIST’S NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME (Php 2:9). Early Christians often referred to “the Name” as though the word stood for the Lord Jesus Himself, as if there was no other name that mattered. We read how they preached concerning the...
January 15
CHRIST the WORD of GOD (Rev 19:13): The Lord Jesus Christ dominates the Scriptures as the sun dominates our solar system. As the Eternal Son, He acts through creation and history. As the virgin’s Son, He joins the stream of...
January 14
CHRIST the CAPTOR of our THOUGHTS. The weapons Paul used were not fleshly, but mighty through God—the weapons which the Holy Spirit supplies. And this spiritual warfare means “the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing...
January 13
“We preach CHRIST CRUCIFIED” (1 Cor 1:23). What self-respecting Jew would ever glory in a cross, the embodiment of a curse and shame? Erich Sauer writes in his classic In the Arena of Faith: Years ago we were in the...
January 12
CHRIST the HIGHEST (Isa 52:13). David Baron, in The Servant of Jehovah, explains, “The climax in the height of Christ’s exaltation, as set forth by the three verbs in this sentence, is expressed by the word m’od, literally, “very much,”...
January 11
CHRIST “the END of the LAW to everyone who believes” (Rom 10:4). Come, man woman, do you believe? No weightier question can be asked. “Do you believe on the Son of God?” And what is it to believe? It is...
January 10
CHRIST ALWAYS WITH YOU (Mt 28:20). F.B. Meyer writes: “In the early morning, as soon as you awake, remember that you are in the very presence of God, who has been watching beside you through the long, dark hours; look...