July 27 Petition Mission

“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who has fulfilled with His hands what He spoke with His mouth to my father David” (2 Chron 6:4).

Signor Prochet of the Waldensian Church tells of a long drought in north Italy. One little congregation arranged a special meeting to pray for rain to save the crops. On the day of the meeting, as the minister neared the building, a little girl passed him. He was struck by the size of the umbrella she was carrying, and laughingly called out: “You will not have much need of your umbrella in this weather.” “Oh, sir,” replied the child, “we are going to ask God for rain today, and I’m sure to need it before I get home.”

The minister rebuked himself for his lack of faith. Imagine going to pray for rain, but without any expectation that the prayers would be answered. And before the meeting concluded, sure enough, there was “sound of abundance of rain,” and the man—his lesson learned—was glad to share the shelter of the big umbrella on his way home.
