The command to “be holy” is inseparably bound to a biblical understanding of the Christian life, yet many believers today view holiness as an optional status achieved by only a few godly saints—a “pie-in-the-sky” state of being reserved for the eternity. Mr. MacDonald brings the concept of holiness to ground level where we all live: in the workplace, the neighborhood, the family and among the gathering of the saints.
The thirty-one chapters, averaging eight pages each, cover a wide range of topics, more comprehensive than most books on this subject. Beginning with Christlikeness, the book moves on to give a clear view of God’s and man’s role in sanctification. He then discusses Satan’s devices and the believer’s armor, the two natures, the filling of the Spirit, man’s conscience, and biblical principles for living pure lives.
Doctrine and practice are coupled all through the book as the author illustrates both the theological concepts of holiness as well as the practical decisions we need to make if we are to live in the world, yet not be of it. He includes such topics as controlling your temper, your tongue, your thoughts, your body, and the lusts of your mind. Nor does he sidestep several other controversial areas such as birth control, politics, business and personal ethics, gambling, chemical addictions, and being overly obsessed with self.
The book from cover to cover is full of quotes from men of God, of the past and present generation. Practical illustrations drive home the application of the truth, making the book a captivating read. Every main point is tied directly to the authority of Scripture by reference and often includes the verse, convincing the reader this is not man’s opinion but “Thus saith the Lord.”
It soon becomes obvious, however, that the Lord has not only commanded us to be holy, He has made it possible through His marvellous provisions. We are not to be struggling on our own here. The book shows us that God’s salvation isn’t only available to rescue us from the penalty of our sin but from it’s influence as well.
Mr. MacDonald’s writing style serves up profound thoughts packaged in the simplest of terms. The book is a treasury of concise statements bursting with powerful truth, capable of making a lifelong impact. This helps the reader capture and remember the thought long after the last chapter is read. You’ll find statements such as “We should be lions in God’s cause, and lambs in our own,” and “We should remember that there is only the difference of a letter between anger and danger.” and so on. These proverb-like statements have big meanings that will remain fastened to the walls of your heart.
Reading a book on holy living may not be at the top of your to-do list yet, but it is a must for every believer. Holiness is not an option—it is a command from our Lord and Saviour. The subject deserves our daily attention. Holiness is not a single event, but a developmental process as we occupy ourselves with Him, His Word, and His will for our everyday lives here below. This book can start you out on this life-long process or give you sharper sensitivity to what our holy God expects from the Bride of His beloved Son.