The Art of Visitation

In our increasingly busy world, visitation is becoming a forgotten ministry. Why is it so important?

1. We visit because of the scriptural principles involved. Both the teaching of the New Testament and the examples of the early Christians show the importance of going “house to house” (Acts 20:20). Note the emphasis of “Go” in the ministry of the Lord Jesus (Mt. 28:19; Mk. 1:38; 5:19; 16:15). Also they “went” in the book of Acts (8:4; etc.).

2. Because the normal Christian has a concern for others. Visiting is an outlet for showing concern.

3. It is a God-given responsibility. Those who are part of the local fellowship are our special responsibility. Others by a period of regular attendance have shown interest; these have been entrusted to us. And the community around us needs to meet our Saviour.

Be assured of the importance of what you are doing! Those outside of Christ are lost (Lk. 19:10). Many have never heard the gospel adequately (Rom. 10:14). We have been commissioned to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mk. 16:15). While contacting every individual is impossible, we must reach as many as we can (Rom. 1:14-15).

Who and When We Visit

There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit leads every child of God at certain times to go and speak with someone regarding their spiritual need. In such cases our directives as to the person and time of visit have been clear, as we felt the leading of the Lord. We should follow such promptings, with His enabling.

However, this need not preclude a united effort in fellowship with the believers in the local church. Unitedly we can encourage one another (“provoke one another to love and good works,” Heb. 10:24), and train one another in this. Also we can do it in an orderly way without omission or duplication. This will enable consecrated prayer for such an endeavor.

Suggestion: to encourage regularity, set aside one evening for this ministry. A list with suggested names should be posted. By signing your name after the name of the one visited, you will let others know of the visit. Names not on the list can be added.

How to Visit

The “know how” of the ministry of visiting begins with our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ—unhindered communion with Him will permit us to be useable and sensitive to His leading. We can also learn from the experience of others. This would include:

a. Be clear as to our motive in visiting. We are visiting a home to let them know we are interested in them, to be a friend. We also want to give them an opportunity to indicate any need (spiritual questions, etc.). We are not there to scold them for not attending services or to deliver a pat sermon.

b. Show a sincere interest in them and their family. Give them an opportunity to tell some of their life. (Don’t spend all the time talking about yours.) Be a good listener. Avoid monopolizing the conversation; your visit will be more appreciated and more useful.

c. Let them know that there is a welcome for them at the assembly. Most people appreciate being wanted. This is better than an unfavorable remark about their going elsewhere, or not attending anywhere.

d. You may feel inadequate in bringing up spiritual problems. This might be just as well for now. Walking with the Lord and experience in visiting will prepare you for this. To know that you are their friend is very important—it holds real future possibilities. If they insist on bringing up spiritual problems you feel you cannot handle, ask them if they mind if you bring along someone from the assembly that can help them.

e. If they confide in you any information that is not public knowledge, don’t tell anyone. No one appreciates someone that betrays their confidence.

f. It is easy to stay too long. It is better to stay on the safe side with a short but unhurried visit.

Making Evangelistic Calls

Courtesy and friendliness will pay dividends. Almost everyone will respond to a smile. Even if you are met by a lack of friendliness, be friendly anyway—it is a good testimony. But make a bold approach (2 Tim. 1:7). There is no need to be ashamed (Rom. 1:16), for you are not representing yourself with all your failings, or a church made up of failing people. You are delivering a gospel that works, and a trustworthy Saviour. There is no cause to be afraid; nearly everybody will treat you courteously. They can only refuse the literature, at the worst (read carefully Acts 5:41).

Suggested Procedure

When the person answers the door, tell them who you are and your purpose in visiting—to give them something (an offer of a home Bible study; a Seed Sower text; a Gospel of John; an Emmaus course; etc.). Tell them about the various outreach activities of the assembly and invite them to any special event.

If possible, engage them in conversation. If you are on a gospel team that is visiting the area, you might tell them how you are enjoying your stay in their vicinity. You should try to find topics of general interest that will put both of you at ease. Then, as the Lord leads, direct the conversation to spiritual issues. A study of John 4 will show how the Great Soul Winner did this when He was talking to the woman at the well.

Be prepared to answer their possible questions. There are some commonly asked questions which you should prepare an answer for in advance. What denomination are you? Are you Jehovah’s Witnesses? Why are you doing this? Are you paid?

If an argument is brewing, the best thing to do is to leave graciously. It is doubtful that any good would come of an argument (see 2 Tim. 2:24). If they show a spiritual interest, be sure to get their name and address, so another visit can be made. And remember to pray specifically for them. God will give the increase.

Uplook Magazine, October 2002

Written by Herman Luhm
