After the Order of Melchizedek

“Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine, and he was the priest of the most high God” (Gen. 14:18).

The first war which darkens history’s page is ended. Abraham is moving homewards, crowned with success, laden with spoil. Suddenly a scene breaks on us, marvelous in what it reveals, marvelous in what it conceals. A personage, who is all wonder, stands on the stage of Scripture. Melchizedek bids us mark him well. He is high in earthly dignity, for he is Salem’s king. He is high in holy function, for he is the priest of the most high God.

Do we ask his lineage? It is shrouded in a veil which we may not pierce. Do we seek the morning of his days? His sun never rises. Do we seek the evening of his life? His sun never sets. He only appears in full-blown stature, and in meridian blaze. So obscure is he in sublimity, so sublime in obscurity, that it is no surprise to hear the question: Can this be merely man? He comes forward with neither empty hand nor silent lip. He strengthens the patriarch with refreshment for the way. He adds, too, the greater strength of blessing in the Name of God. Abraham owns the claim to reverence and to homage. He presents a tenth part of all. Such is the record.

But Scripture does not pause here. It teaches us that all these lines of mystery are lineaments of the Lord Jesus. It shows in this stately person, no doubtful glimpse of the glories of the office of the Lord. It tells us in distinct phrase, He is made “like unto the Son of God” (Heb. 7:3). The news is often repeated, that Christ is “a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.” Thus faith, which only lives looking unto Jesus, sits at His feet in holy, happy musings, and finds the cheering of full gospel rays.

Behold Melchizedek!

In wise purpose his descent is hid far beyond our sight. So, too, clouds and darkness mantle the first rise of the Son. He is by eternal generation, the co-eternal Son of the co-eternal Father. But who can grasp such mystery? He, who begets, precedes not the begotten. He, who is begotten, is not second to the parent cause. This truth is a boundless ocean. Let us meekly stand on the shore and marvel. But let us not repine, that we cannot fathom what is fathomless. This truth hides its lofty summit in the heaven of heavens.

Let the poor worms of earth repose in reverence around the base. But let them not venture to climb the giddy heights. To know God’s essence, we must have God’s mind. To see Him as He is, we must be like Him. To span the length of His nature, we must have His infinitudes. To survey His amplitudes, we must sit as compeers on His throne.

We read, and are assured, that the Lord Jesus, by eternal birth, is very God of very God. But while we cannot dive into the depths, we bathe our souls in the refreshment at the surface. For it follows that He is sufficient to deal with God and satisfy God, and thus to save His people to the uttermost.

We cannot see Melchizedek’s cradle but we distinctly see him as man on earth. Eye-witnesses heard Jesus give testimony that He, too, has tabernacled in our clay, and thus was qualified to shed His lifeblood as our Ransom.
In Melchizedek we find neither first nor latest hours. Here, too, is the Lord Jesus. His age is one everlasting day. From eternity past to eternity to come, His being rolls in one unbroken stream. Before time was, His Name is, “I AM THAT I AM.” When time shall have run its course, His Name is still “I AM.”

Does such greatness fill you with tremblings of awe? Do you sigh, How can I draw near? How can I cast myself into His arms? Behold Him! His eternal being is eternal love. He never lived, He never will live, except with His people engraved on His heart, and spread before His eye. “I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” Zion’s walls are continually before Him, immeasurable in tender grace.

Melchizedek: how mighty is this name? He that utters it, says, King of Righteousness. Who can claim that title in its full purport but the Lord Jesus? What is His person, what His work, but the glory of righteousness? Since Adam fell, earth has seen no righteousness apart from Him. But His kingdom is first righteousness, then peace (Rom. 14:17). There is a throne in it righteously erected to dispense righteousness. All the statutes, decrees, ordinances, every precept, every reward, every penalty, is a sunbeam of righteousness. Each subject is bright in royal robes of purity–each wears a crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8). Each delights in righteousness, as his newborn nature.

Melchizedek Was a Local Monarch

His city was graced with the name of Salem, which is Peace. The war which stalked through the land did not trouble these tranquil citizens. Here again we have the sweet emblem of the Lord Jesus’ blissful reign. His kingdom is one atmosphere of peace, one haven of undisturbed calm.

Heaven is at peace with the inhabitants. Sin had rebelled, arousing holy wrath. It had unsheathed the sword of vengeance. It had pointed the arrows of destruction against our world of transgression. But our Lord Jesus cleanses His flock from every stain of evil. He is “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” The eye of God can no more find the cause of enmity. A flood of smiles descends upon the blood-washed kingdom.

The inhabitants are at peace with Heaven. Sin had filled them with hatred of God’s holiness, dread of God’s avenging arm, aversion to God’s presence. But the Lord Jesus, by His Spirit, plucks out the heart of stone, and implants a heart of filial love. The one delight is now to draw near to God, to walk by His side, to listen to His voice, to sing His praise.

The inhabitants are at peace within. The sight of the Cross stills each rising storm of conscience and stifles the accusing voice of Satan.

Melchizedek Called to Most Hallowed Functions

He is the consecrated priest of the most high God. As king, he sat above men. As priest, he stands before God. This holy office exhibits Jesus. He spurns no office which can serve the Church. The entrance of sin calls for expiation. No sinner can approach a sin-hating God without a sin-removing plea. This expiation can only be by the death of an appeasing victim. The victim can only die by a sacrificing hand. And all which is needed we have in Jesus. Cry out and shout, O happy believer, your “Christ is All.”

An altar is upraised. The altar is Christ. No other can suffice. He alone can be the victim which bears His people’s sins. A lamb is led forth. The lamb is Christ. None other has blood of merit to exceed man’s guilt. Jesus, therefore, God in essence, man in person, extends Himself upon the accursed tree. But who is the Priest who dares approach a super-human altar?

Who has a hand to touch a victim-God? The very sight would shiver man into annihilation. Therefore Jesus is the Priest.

Mark it well, the Lamb has died once and forever. The Priest’s work on earth is “finished” once and for ever. The shadows are passed away. The one Priest has entered with His own blood into the holy of holies, having obtained eternal redemption. Will any now speak of priests, and altars, and sacrifices on earth? Let them beware. Let them consider. It is no light matter to trifle with the Spirit’s language, and the Names of Jesus. What begins in ignorance may end in death. “It is finished,” is gloriously inscribed on the Priest’s work below.

The Lord Jesus lives and His office lives. Behold Him on the right hand of the Majesty on high. He appears in priestly vesture. The names of His people are on His shoulder, a token that all His strength is theirs to uphold them. The names are on His breast, a token that, while His heart beats, it beats for them. The voice of His pleading ever sounds and ever prevails, “Father, forgive them,” and they are forgiven. “Father, have mercy on them,” and mercies speed on rapid wing. The incense of His intercession ever rises: “Father, bless them,” and they are blessed. “Father, smile on them,” and it is light around. With extended hand He takes their every offering of prayer and praise and service. He perfumes all with the rich fragrance of His merits. He makes all worthy in His own worthiness, and thus our nothingness gains great reward.

Melchizedek Meets Abraham

Melchizedek meets Abraham with bread and wine. The weary warrior is wayworn and faint. Refreshment is provided. The Lord is very tender regarding His people’s need. Awful is the curse on the Ammonites and the Moabites, because they met not Israel with bread and water in the way, when they came forth out of Egypt (Deut. 23:4). Here again we see our great High Priest. With God-like bounty, He presents every supply which our wasted strength and sinking spirits and failing hearts require. The fight of faith is fierce: the journey of life often seems long, but at every step a banquet house is open and His delights are spread before us. There is the solid sustenance of the Word, there are the overflowing cups of the promises, there is the spiritual food of His own body given, of His own blood shed. Our true Melchizedek invites us to draw near. And while we regale in soul-reviving faith, the gracious voice still sounds: “Blessed be [thou] of the most high God” (Gen. 14:19).

The patriarch, in grateful reverence, makes an offering to Melchizedek of a tenth part of all. O my soul, what will you render to your great High Priest? Let your adoring language be:

O Lord, I am Thine; Thou hast bought me by Thy blood; Thou hast called me by Thy constraining voice; Thou hast won me by Thy grace. I am Thine. My soul is Thine to adore Thee. My heart is Thine to love Thee; my body is Thine to serve Thee; my tongue is Thine to praise Thee; my life is Thine to glorify Thee; my eternity is Thine to gaze on Thee, to follow Thee, to hymn Thy Name. But eternity–eternity! Eternity is too scanty for a redeemed soul to magnify a redeeming and eternal Lord Jesus.

Uplook Magazine, December 1996
Written by Henry Law