February 18

William MacDonald writes: We teach our children to accumulate; Christ calls them to forsake all (Lk 14:33). We teach them that it is not respectable to be poor: Jesus said, “Blessed be ye poor” (Lk 6:20). We tell them to stay home and make good; the Lord tells them to “go…into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mk 16:15). We tell them to provide for their security on earth; the Savior tells them to lay up treasure in heaven (Mt 6:20). We suggest they should live for two worlds; Jesus says it can’t be done (Lk 16:13). We tell them to walk by sight; the Word tells them to walk by faith (2 Cor 5:7). It is time we rethink our ambitions for our children in the light of these inescapable facts: men and women throughout the world are perishing; we Christians have what they need—the gospel; we do not belong to ourselves; our lives must be lived for the One who died for us; if we seek to save our lives, we will lose them; in the end, only the life lived for Christ will count.

Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 2-4 Memorize: Psalm 121:1-2