CHRIST the OVERCOMER: “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). If you look at this claim of Jesus without the eye of faith, does it not seem extraordinary? We can imagine Napoleon speaking thus when he had crushed the nations beneath his feet. We can imagine Alexander speaking thus when he had rifled the palaces of Persia. But who is this? A Galilean who wears a peasant’s garment and consorts with the poor and the fallen! He has neither wealth nor worldly rank among men, yet speaks of having overcome the world. He had not a disciple that would stand up for Him; He was to be charged with blasphemy and sedition, and…nailed to a cross, that He might die a felon’s death, yet He says, “I have overcome the world.” How marvelous and yet how true! We must use faith’s optics here and look within the veil. Then we shall see the indwelling, noble, all-conquering soul which transformed shame into honor and death into glory. —C.H. Spurgeon