February 28

CHRIST the CARPENTER: “Is this not the carpenter’s son?” (Mt 13:55). “Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary” (Mk 6:3). Adam Clarke explains: “Among the ancient Jews, every father was bound to do four things for his son. 1. To circumcise him. 2. To redeem him. 3. To teach him the law. 4. To teach him a trade. This was founded on the following maxim: ‘He who teaches not his son to do some work, is as if he taught him robbery!’ It is therefore likely that Joseph brought up our Lord to his own trade.” Joseph was a tekton, the word for a builder. Traditionally it is thought that the Lord was a carpenter, working only with wood, but the word described any craftsman who worked with his hands, including stonemasonry. What wonderful grace that the Master builder of the universe would work, uncomplaining, in a small craftsman’s shop for more than 25 years. And how thrilling to think of the structure He is now fashioning from living stones like you and me!
