February 25 Petition Mission

“Remove from me reproach and contempt, for I have kept Your testimonies” (Ps 119:22).

Reproach means to be disgraced; contempt, to be disrespected. In a world that emphasizes perception rather than reality, and reputation more than character, it should be the desire of the believer to ruthlessly avoid anything that would bring dishonor on the One whose Name we own. We saints put the standard high for ourselves when we profess to set our course in life according to God’s “testimonies.” And we know that “the accuser of our brethren” (Rev 12:10) has agents everywhere.

Thus the wisdom of regularly sending this petition heavenward. Take responsibility for protecting your character—what you are when alone in God’s presence—through Scripture meditation and Spirit co-operation, but commit to the Lord the protection of your reputation—what others think of you. Even our Lord, when reviled, committed His cause to the One “who judges righteously” (1 Pet 2:23).
