January 30

CHRIST our FORERUNNER (Heb 6:19-20): A forerunner (prod’-rom-os) is “one who comes in advance to prepare for those who follow.” Even today world leaders send an emmisary on ahead to see how they will be received; if the forerunner is treated poorly or well, they respond in kind. So God not only wants us to be certain that we will arrive safely in the Father’s house, He wants us to know how we will be received when we get there. When Calvary’s Victor arrived back Home, He didn’t go there for Himself; He appears “in the presence of God for us” (9:24). And how was our forerunner received? God invited Him to share His throne! So how will you be received, believer? Will He be ashamed to receive you? “He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying: ‘I will declare Your name to My brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You’” (Heb 2:11-12). He too will rise from the throne and invite you to reign with Him—forever! (Rev 22:5). —J.B.N.
