January 28 Petition Mission

“Blessed are You, O Lord! Teach me Your statutes” (Ps 119:12).

What would our private Bible studies be like if, every time we opened the Scriptures, this request was both prayed and realized? Our own personal Tutor—and to think He is the Author and Subject of the Book as well! He reads us like a book, too, so He knows exactly what we need each day. And no wonder, says David, because He wrote MY book also: “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written…” (139:16). Your genome “book” describing your “substance” has a total length of over 3 billion base pairs. It is uniquely yours and expresses how carefully and wonderfully each of us is made.

And as we seek the Lord to teach us about Himself in His Word, we come to know Him in a unique way as well, experiencing individually the personal revelation of the Lord. “You will seek Me and find Me,” He says with expectation, “when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jer 29:13).
