January 27 Petition Mission

“The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap, to set them among princes and make them inherit the throne of glory” (1 Sam 2:7-8).

Britain’s Queen Mary was known for her touch of humanity. On one occasion while visiting in a hospital, she asked a little girl where she lived. “Battersea,” she responded, then one of London’s poorest districts. “And where do you live,” the girl asked. “Just behind Gorringes department store,” the queen replied. On another occasion, she took her two little granddaughters, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, to Harrods department store. A sales attendant referred to Margaret as “M’lady.” “I’m not a lady,” the little girl responded petulantly. “I’m a princess.” The Queen Mother intervened: “The little girl is right; she isn’t a lady, but we hope that one day she will be.”

Lord, help us to be princely today, reflecting the noblesse oblige and dignity of our King.
