January 21

CHRIST our DELIGHT: “And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple, even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight” (Mal 3:1). Neglect is the parent of desert lives. Only too well do we know that the less we pray, the less inclined we become to pray; the less we read the Bible, the less we desire it; and the more we neglect the Holy Book and prayer, the less we desire the Lord, and the further we drift away. Thus the Lord becomes a wilderness to us—nothing but a dry, unattractive and thirsty land where no water is. BUT wilderness places can blossom again. The wilderness and the solitary place can become places of gladness, and the desert can rejoice and blossom as the rose. One stanza which old Dr. Tauler wrote, it would be well for us to offer as a prayer to our Lord and Savior:
As the sunflower ever turning to the mighty sun,
With the faithfulness of fealty, following only one—so make me, Lord, to Thee.
