January 18

CHRIST UNSEEN yet SEEN: “The world will see Me no more, but you will see Me” (Jn 14:19). F.B. Meyer writes, “We may enjoy the perpetual recognition of the presence of Christ. Nothing makes men so humble yet so strong as the vision of Christ. When Isaiah beheld His glory more resplendent than the sheen of the sapphire throne, he cried that he was undone. When Peter caught the first flash of His miraculous power gleaming across the waves of Galilee, just when the fish were struggling in the full net, he besought Him to depart, because he felt himself a sinful man. And when John saw Him on Patmos, he fell at His feet as dead, though surely if any of the apostles could have faced Him unabashed, it had been he. Would you be humble? Then ask the Spirit to reveal Jesus in all His matchless beauty and holiness, eliciting the confession that you are the least of saints and the chief of sinners. O that His words ‘you will see Me’ were more often verified in our experience!”
