January 12

CHRIST the HIGHEST (Isa 52:13). David Baron, in The Servant of Jehovah, explains, “The climax in the height of Christ’s exaltation, as set forth by the three verbs in this sentence, is expressed by the word m’od, literally, “very much,” with which the sentence ends. ‘He shall be exalted and lifted up and be high very much.’…we obtain this chain of thought: he will rise up, he will raise himself still higher, he will stand on high. The three verbs…consequently denote the commencement, the continuation, and the climax of the exaltation; and Stier is not wrong in recalling to mind the three principal steps of the exaltatio in the historical fulfillment, namely, the resurrection, the ascension, and the sitting down at the right hand of God. The addition of the word m’od shows very clearly that v’gabha (be high) is intended to be taken as the final result. The Servant of Jehovah, rising from stage to stage, reaches at last an immeasurable height that towers above everything else.”
